Art Direction / Design / Storyboards

Flock of Pixels - 2012—present

Since 2012 I've been working with Flock of Pixels as a designer, art director, and consultant on numerous projects for major brands such as American Express and NXP Semiconductors.

Working alongside the creative director, we begin "design" early in the process during the scripting phase, working to establish a rich language to draw visual metaphors from.

From there, I then execute thumbnails, storyboards, style frames, full art boards, and direction during the animation phase.

UX Design & Front-End Development

Drawbackwards — 2011—Present

Since 2011, I've worked with UX Design agency Drawbackwards to realize software solutions ranging from marketing websites to full-fledged mobile and web applications. Drawbackwards and I share a user-centric approach to design and development and our efforts together have been a great success.

First Solar - Plant Predict (2017—2020)

PlantPredict is an application used to model and predict the energy capabilities of utility-scale solar powerplants.

I was the lead front-end developer and worked closely with our design team to create a positive user-experience which did not sacrifice any advanced capabilities. As my solar domain knowledge grew, I acted as a liason between various teams to help bridge technical gaps and deliver understanding that helped inform the design and development process. During this project I helped design and build a number of key interactive features utilizing advanced capabilities of javascript and the browser.


  • Created a 3D solar array visualizer utilizing THREE.js and WebGL.
  • Built a UI to allow users to place 3D shade objects in a scene
  • Wrote GLSL shaders to calculate the shade cast by the objects and represent the values on the solar panels
  • Created a 2D blueprint solar array visualizer with SVGs and Vue.js
  • Created a solar panel table visualizer with SVGs and Vue.js
PlantPredict DC Field - Table ViewPlantPredict DC Field - Field ViewPlantPredict DC Field - Object Shading visualizer

The agency's marketing website. I was the principal developer. Built using Nuxt.js. Homepage is a personal growth and development platform based around a custom assessment and delivery of daily affirmations.

Principal Front-end developer. The app's front-end was built with Vue.js. The marketing site with Wordpress. App dashboard

Flash Development / Motion Graphics / Media Production

Freelance & Warehouse Agency 2 - 2004—2009

Early in my career I became proficient with Macromedia Flash and Actionscript. Over this period I designed and built dozens of full-flash websites, ecards, flash ads, and custom CD-ROM applications. While working with Warehouse Agency 2, we worked with Warner Bros, Interscope Records, Razor & Tie, and other record labels to generate promotional experiences for artists new singles and albums.

During this time I developed an eCard format that allowed us to streamline the reusable functional elements of the ecard format (contact form, music player, video player, etc). This allowed us to allocate more of these small budgets to motion graphics and design.

*note: Due to the demise of Flash, these examples are missing some dynamic components, such as loading text from an external source. This explains some blank areas.

CANAL Restaurant Video Wall

CANAL, a high-end restaurant concept in Scottsdale, Arizona, hired us to create content for a video wall powered by six rear-back projectors. We edited and prepared a series of looping video sequences which where then sliced and synced across the projectors. I also was responsible for configuring the media server on site.

Photographs by Studio K Creative

Photo of Canal restaurant interiorSide view of glass panel wall and rear-back projectors